CSNS/MEBT Installation Completed
Apr 03, 2015CSNS Linac MEBT vacuum system passed leakage test on March 31, 2015, which marks the successful completion of the MEBT installation.
BEPCII Maintenance & Upgrade Project Passed Expert Review
Apr 03, 2015The Bureau of Facility Support and Budget of the Chinese Academy of Sciences organized a review meeting at IHEP on the fourteen key CAS major-science facility maintenance and upgrade projects on March 30-31, 2015.
IHEP Deploys and Provides EDUROAM Wireless Roaming Service
Apr 02, 2015In March, the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) successfully deployed and started to provide the global EDUROAM wireless roaming service to all users. EDUROAM is a world-wide Wi-Fi roaming access service for the...
Proposal for Testing Facility Approved
Mar 31, 2015Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission officially approved the proposal for the testing facility of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), which is the first approved mega-science project proposal dur...
Chang’e-3 Particle Exciting X-ray Spectrometer Passed Acceptance
Mar 31, 2015IHEP hosted an acceptance meeting of the Chang’e-3 particle exciting X-ray spectrometer on March 16, 2015. Experts from CAS institutes and universities attended the meeting.
Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment: Spending & Budget Reviewed
Mar 31, 2015A review of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment operating costs in 2014 and budget for 2015 was organized by the Bureau of Facility Support and Budget, CAS on March 23-24, 2015.
Carbon nanomaterials: snipe at cancer stem cells
Mar 26, 2015The traditional strategies of cancer therapy usually focus on inhibiting bulk cancer cells. Recent oncobiology studies, however, reveal that only a small subpopulation of cancer cells, termed cancer stem cell (CSC), i...
Selenium Successfully Applied to Reduce Mercury Accumulation in Rice
Mar 19, 2015On the basis of lab tests, a group of IHEP scientists carried out an on-site experiment in Guizhou Province adding selenium to the polluted rice fields, which successfully reduced mercury accumulation in rice.
Flavor and Top Physics @ 100 TeV Explored
Mar 18, 2015The CAS Center for Future High Energy Physics successfully hosted the Second Workshop on Future High Energy Circular Collider Physics at IHEP from March 4 to March 7, 2015. About 80 noted scientists from Australia, Be...
The 3rd Beijing - Chicago Workshop on Detector R&D, Circular Collider and Cosmology Held in Beijing
Mar 17, 2015The Third Beijing-Chicago Workshop on Detector R&D, Circular Collider and Cosmology, jointly run by Chicago University and IHEP, was held in Beijing on March 9-10, 2015. About 70 people from Chicago University, FERMIL...