IHEP hosted an acceptance meeting of the Chang’e-3 particle exciting X-ray spectrometer on March 16, 2015. Experts from CAS institutes and universities attended the meeting.
An expert panel was created, consisting of such noted scientists as Academicians JIANG Jingshan, WAN Weixing and OUYANG Xiaoping. The panel listened to the report by WANG Huanyu, the project director. He summarized the R&D process and the technical results achieved. After careful review of the report, the relevant documents and various certificates, the panel unanimously agreed with passing the acceptance and the result appraisal.
The panel spoke highly of the technological results from the project. The spectrometer is the first time in our country to apply active exciting fluorescence detection to deep space with its energy resolution reaching 136.7eV@5.9keV, which is the highest so far for the in-situ spectrometers in extraterrestrial object explorations. Furthermore, the results have been applied to the dark matter detection satellite and other satellites currently in fabrication.

The acceptance meeting of the Chang’e-3 particle exciting X-ray spectrometer (image by IHEP)