International Workshop on QCD Exotics Held in Shandong University
Jul 07, 2015The International Workshop on QCD Exotics, jointly sponsored by IHEP and Shandong University, was held in Shandong University on June 8-12, 2015. More than 80 scientistists from China, U.S., Germany, France, Japan and...
Chung-Yao Chao Fellowship Established
Jul 07, 2015To cultivate and attract talents, the CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Particles and Interactions jointly established Chung-Yao Chao Fellowship. Those selected ...
BESIII Collaboration Summer Meeting 2015 Held in Shanghai
Jul 03, 2015The BESIII Collaboration Summer Meeting 2015 was held in Shanghai Jiaotong University on June 14-17, 2015.More than 200 scientists from China, U.S., Italy, Germany and Netherlands attended the meeting.
2015 Workshop on BEPCII Operation and Luminosity Upgrade Held at IHEP
Jul 03, 2015To summarize the results obtained from the BEPCII accelerator physics and all the hardware systems and to study problems arising from beam commissioning, the Workshop on BEPCII Operation and Luminosity Upgrade was hel...
2015 ICFA Mini-workshop on High Field Magnets for PP Colliders Held in Shanghai
Jul 02, 2015The 2015 ICFA Mini-workshop on High Field Magnets for PP Colliders hosted by IHEP and organized by Shanghai Jiaotong University and Shanghai Superconducting Science & Technology Co. Ltd was held on June 14-17, 2015 on...
Bai Cunli Inspects CSNS
Jul 02, 2015Bai Cunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), inspected the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) on June 29th, 2015.
Synchrotron Radiation Technologies Fully Utilized to Study Healthy Effects and Ecological Toxicology of Mercury
Jul 01, 2015Recently, IHEP scientists have published on (Science in China: Chemistry) their research results in studying the healthy effects and ecological toxicology of mercury by utilizing synchrotron radiation technologies.
A Graduation Ceremony for 2015 Post Graduates Held at IHEP
Jun 29, 2015A grand graduation ceremony for the 2015 post graduates was held on June 24, 2015 at IHEP. IHEP leaders, tutors, post graduates and their relatives attended the ceremony.
BESIII Finished Data-taking at 2.125 GeV for Y(2175) Study
Jun 29, 2015With the joint efforts from the staffs of BEPCII /BESIII, a lot of the difficulites were overcome to ensure both BEPCII and BESIII running well in low energy region. Within one and half a month (1 May -- 17 June, 201...
Impact Factor of Chinese Physics C Greatly Upgraded
Jun 25, 2015According to the statistics of the 2014 Thomson-Reuters Journal Citation Reports published on June 19th, 2015, the impact factor of the Chinese Physics C run by IHEP, IMP and the Chinese Society of Physics has reached...