CSNS Target Hall Concrete Roof Topped Smoothly
Sep 18, 2015
Fifth International Symposium on Metallomics Held in Beijing
Sep 18, 2015The Fifth International Symposium on Metallomics, co-sponsored by IHEP and Tsinghua University, was held in Beijing from September 9 to 12, 2015. More than 200 people from 18 countries and regions attended the symposium.
HEPS Engineering Materials User Workshop Successfully Held
Sep 18, 2015The First HEPS (High Energy Photon Source) Materials Beamline User Workshop, hosted by USTB (University of Science and Technology Beijing) and organized by the National Center for Materials Service Safety, was success...
2015 BESIII CGEM Cloud Computing Summer School Successfully Held
Sep 17, 2015The 2015 BESIII CGEM Cloud Computing Summer School, sponsored by CCAST and the BESIII CGEM Project and organized by the Computing Center of IHEP, was successfully held from September 7 to 11, 2015.
Single-chip Module of Silicon Pixel Detector Successfully Tested
Sep 11, 2015A single-chip module of the silicon pixel detector developed by IHEP with intellectual property rights was tested at BSRF on July 30th, 2015. Designed for synchrotron radiation imaging applications, its performance wa...
Cooperative Agreement on LHAASO & Yading High Altitude Cosmic Ray Science Center Signed in Chengdu
Sep 11, 2015The Cooperative Agreement on LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory)& Yading High Altitude Cosmic Ray Science Center was signed in Chengdu on September 9, 2015. The leaders from the Sichuan Development a...
Twentieth Annual Meeting of BEPC Held in Beijing
Sep 11, 2015The Twentieth Annual Meeting of BEPC (Beijing Electron Positron Collider) was held in Miyun, Beijing from August 31 to September 2, 2015. More than 120 delegates from CAS institutes IHEP, IMP, IAP, NSRL and the cooper...
Delegation of Shenzhen Harmony Club Visits IHEP
Sep 11, 2015Member of the CPPCC and Chairman of the Shenzhen Harmony Club Chen Hongtian, leading a delegation of eight members, visited IHEP on September 2, 2015.
1.3GHz Superconducting Accelerating Unit Successfully Passes Cooling and Vacuum Tests
Sep 07, 20151.3GHz Superconducting Accelerating Unit, which is one of the key innovation projects supported by IHEP innovation fund, has recently passed 80K cool down test successfully in August, 2015.