To summarize the results obtained from the BEPCII accelerator physics and all the hardware systems and to study problems arising from beam commissioning, the Workshop on BEPCII Operation and Luminosity Upgrade was held at IHEP on June 26, 2015. Pan Weimin, Qin Qing and those from the BEPCII sub-systems and relevant departments attended the meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Cao Jianshe and Zhang Chuang. Pan Weimin addressed the meeting by first congratulating on the achievements made during the 2014-2015 run. In this run, the commissioning and operation staff overcame a lot of difficulties, pushing the luminosity up to 8.53×1032cm-2s-1 on the basis of the design energy of 1.89GeV. Shen Xiaoyan summarized the commissioning experience and reported the data taking results, the BESIII Collaboration successfully finished its data-taking plans at the energy region of 2-3GeV.
Participants of the workshop discussed the reports of all the sub-systems with emphasis on analyzing the factors affecting luminosity upgrade and beam intensity increase. At the meeting, the next-step tasks were also discussed and determined. All the attendees deemed that BEPCII reaching its design parameters is of great significance, having great impact on the future development of IHEP. So the meeting put forward the plans for the next phase operation, 45 days will be spent on machine studies, striving to reach 1×1033cm-2s-1 at the energy of 1.89GeV.
At the meeting, Zhang Chuang gave a talk on beam loading effect and RF direct feedback. He pointed out that a stable run and luminosity upgrade relies on RF direct feedback, which needs systematic studies and commissioning. Qin Qing made summary remarks, in which he recalled the past run and the experience of actual data taking and luminosity commissioning. He spoke highly of the luminosity records made in the run. At the same time, he requested all the sub-systems should carefully check the existing problems, accomplishing the summer maintenance and solving the related hardware problems, thus making full preparations for the next run and the luminosity challenges.

Image by IHEP