BSRF Parasitic Mode & BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrades Pass Acceptance Tests
Jul 24, 2015The Bureau of Facility Support and Budget (BFSB) of CAS organized on July 21, 2015 at IHEP the acceptance meeting on the CAS key scientific and technological facility maintenance and repair projects “Beijing Synchrot...
The Sixth JUNO Collaboration Meeting Held at IHEP
Jul 22, 2015The Sixth JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) Collaboration Meeting was held at IHEP on July 13-17, 2015. More than 100 scholars from institutions and universities at home plus about 50 scholars from abro...
Top-up Operation Mode Successful on BSRF
Jul 21, 2015The Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) successfully realized top-up injection on July 14, 2015. Its beam intensity was 250mA±0.1mA, reaching the world advanced level.
Expert Review on HEPS-TF Held at IHEP
Jul 21, 2015An expert review meeting on HEPS-TF feasibility studies was held at IHEP by the HEPS-TF Project Headquarters on July 15, 2015.
Workshop on JUNO Neutrino Astronomy and Astro-physics Held at IHEP
Jul 16, 2015The Workshop on JUNO Neutrino Astronomy and Astro-physics, co-sponsored by the Center for Particle Astro-physics, Center for Experimental Physics and Division for Theory of IHEP, was held at IHEP on July 10-11, 2015.
Cooperative Agreements on Talent Cultivation Signed between IHEP and Universities
Jul 14, 2015IHEP singed cooperative agreements on talent cultivation on July 9th, 2015 separately with the Institute of Physics and Electronics under the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) and the In...
Delegation of Hong Kong Association for Advancement of Science and Technology Visits IHEP
Jul 10, 2015A delegation of 11 persons headed by Chen Dexiang, Senior Vice President of the Hong Kong Association for Advancement of Science and Technology visited IHEP on July 8, 2015.
A New Step towards Institute-University Cooperation - Strategic Cooperative Agreement Signed between IHEP and SJTU
Jul 10, 2015Zhang Jie, President of the Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), and other leaders of the university met with Wang Yifang, Director of IHEP and other IHEP leaders visiting the university on July 6, 2015.
Meeting on Mid-term Supervision of ADS Proton Linac Injector I Held at IHEP
Jul 09, 2015The Meeting on Mid-term Supervision of the ADS Proton Linac Injector I Under the CAS Pioneer Initiative Project "Future Advanced Nuclear Fission Energy – Accelerator Driven Subcritical System (ADS)" was held at IHEP ...