International Workshop on QCD Exotics Held in Shandong University
The International Workshop on QCD Exotics, jointly sponsored by IHEP and Shandong University, was held in Shandong University on June 8-12, 2015. More than 80 scientists from China, U.S., Germany, France, Japan and Israel attended the workshop.
The workshop has received 37 talks covering such hot topics as the hadron structure, hadron production and decay, QCD symmetry and new hadron states. In particular, the workshop has focused on the proceeding of the study of the newly observed "XYZ" state which cannot be accommodated into the conventional quark model. The recent discovery of the charged-charmonium-like state Zc(3900) at BEPCII/BESIII has been an important step towards a better understanding of the usual aspect of strong QCD scenarios and initiated a lot of efforts in theory and experiment.
The workshop has been very successful in that it has provided a good platform for both experimentalists and theorists to directly exchange ideas and develop collaborations on those topical issues in the frontiers of hadron physics.