CSNS Joins Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Project
Aug 17, 2017China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) and Shenzhen HEC Group launched a cooperative project on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) at the Dongguan Campus of IHEP on August 11. Prof. Wang Yifang, director of the In...
CEPC 650 MHz SRF Hardware Design Reviewed
Jul 14, 2017A review meeting of the CEPC 650 MHz SRF hardware design was held at IHEP on July 7th. The meeting was organized by Tsinghua University, IHEP and Peking University. Experts of review are respectively from Peking Unive...
CSNS RCS Proton Beam Accelerated to 1.6 GeV
Jul 11, 2017On 7 July, scientists and technicians from the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) successfully accelerated a proton beam to 1.6 GeV in the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), marking a key step in beam commissioning ...
Successful Construction of CPPF system for CMS Experiment
Jul 10, 2017The Concentration, Pre-Processing and Fan-out (CPPF) system for the CMS Level 1 (L1) Trigger Phase I Upgrade has been successfully developed and constructed by scientists of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP)...
IHEP Scientist Wins CMS Young Researcher Prize
Jun 22, 2017The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)Collaboration awarded Prof. Chen Mingshui, a scientist from the Institute of High Energy Physics, the 2017 CMS Young Researcher Prize at CERN on June 19. Prof. Chen was recognized for...
Joint Neutron Scattering Laboratory Established
Jun 19, 2017The Dongguan Neutron Science Center and the South China Advanced Institute for Soft Matter Science and Technology (AISMST) signed an agreement on June 19th to build a joint neutron scattering laboratory for advanced s...
China Launches its First Space-Based X-ray Telescope
Jun 15, 2017China's first homegrown X-ray telescope, which aims to survey the Milky Way to observe celestial sources of X-rays, lifted off into space at 11:00 AM, local time, June 15. Onboard the CZ-4B rocket, the Hard X-ray Mod...
JUNO 3-inch Photomultiplier Tubes Ordered
Jun 01, 2017A signing ceremony for the procurement of 3-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for the Jiangmen Neutrino Underground Observatory (JUNO) was held on May 25 in Beijing. Hainan Zhanchuang Photonics Technology Co., Ltd (H...
IHEP Annual Open Day 2017
May 26, 2017IHEP’s Annual Open Day for 2017 was held at the Yuquan campus on May 20. More than 1300 visitors, including students from middle schools, research institutions and universities across Beijing, took advantage of this ...
Progress on the Spoke SC Cavity for ADS Main Linac
May 15, 2017On 25th April 2017, a huge step forward was taken with the β=0.4 325 MHz single spoke superconducting cavity (Spoke040) for the ADS main linac. The cavity was designed in-house at IHEP, manufactured and finally verti...