Upcoming Events
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- Mar
2016 -
【3.23】Academic Lecture: Holographic Entanglement Entropy for WAdS3
Speaker: Prof. Wei Song (Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University) Time: 3:30PM, Mar. 23rd (Wednesday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
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- Mar
2016 -
【3.14】Academic Lecture: Holographic inspired stringy hadrons- theoretical aspects
Speaker: Prof. Jacob Sonnenschein (Tel Aviv University) Time: 3:00PM, Mar. 14th (Monday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 21
- Jan
2016 -
【1.27】Overview of Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) activities at CC-IN2P3
Speaker: Fabio Hernandez Time: 10:00AM,Jan 27 Place: Meeting Roon, Computing Center
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- Feb
2016 -
【2.23】Academic lecture: Charm Physics: Where Color meets Flavor
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Mannel (University of Siegen) Time: 10:00AM, Feb. 23rd (Tuesday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 04
- Jan
2016 -
【1.6】AcademicLecture: Muon cooling: the Higgs factory of the future?
Speaker: Prof.Carlo Rubbia (Nobel laureate) Time: 14:30, January 6 Place: Room A214, IHEP Main Building
- 04
- Jan
2016 -
【1.7】Academic Lectures: Seminars on Diphoton
Speaker: Dr. Yan Wang , Dr. Jiaying Gu , Dr. Jue Zhang Time: 2:30PM, Jan. 7th 2016, Thursday Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 04
- Jan
2016 -
【1.5】Academic Lecture: Fermionic phase transition induced by an effective impurity in holography
Speaker: Dr.Xiaomei Kuang? (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile) Time: 3:00PM, Jan. 5th (Tuesday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 15
- Dec
2016 -
【12.25】Academic Lecture: Pion structure from Sum Rules
Speaker: Dr. Alexandr Pimikov (Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR & IMP, CAS) Time: 10:00AM, Dec.25th (Friday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 08
- Dec
2016 -
【12.17】Academic Lecture: Implications of a di-photon resonance at 750 GeV
Speaker: Prof.Lian-Tao Wang(University of Chicago) Time: 11:00AM, December 17 Place:
- 02
- Dec
2016 -
【12.17】Academic Lecture: CUORE-0, CUORE and Future Opportunity for a 0vbb Detector in China
Speaker: Prof. Huanzhong Huang (UCLA) Time: 3:00PM, Dec. 17th (Thursday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319