Upcoming Events
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- Jul
2016 -
【7.11】Academic Lecture: A New Unified Theory of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interactions
Speaker: Prof. Li-Xin Li (李立新)(Peking University) Time: 10:00AM, July 11st (Monday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
- 26
- Jun
2016 -
【6.28】Academic Lecture: Toward HPC/Big Data convergence: the YML+Hadoop 2.x opportunity
Speaker: Dr.Laurent Bobelin Time: 15:00, June 28 Place: Meeting Room at the second of the Computing Center
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- Jun
2016 -
【6.23】Academic Lecture: Tetra and pentaquarks in the constituent quark model
Speaker: Prof.Luciano Maiani (Universita’di Roma La Sapienza, and INFN, Roma1, Italy) Time: 10:00am, Jun.23th,2016 (Thursday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
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- Jul
2016 -
【6.22】Academic Lecture: 2 dimensional QCD in large N limit
Speaker: LI Liuji Time: 10:00 AM, June 22 Place: Room 319, Theoretical Phsyics Division
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- Jun
2016 -
【6.20】Academic Lecture:Black holes, Regular Made by General Relativity
Speaker: Prof. Ding-Fang Zeng (Beijing University of Technology) Time: 10:00AM, June 20th,2016 (Monday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
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- May
2016 -
【6.6】Academic Lecture: Looking Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics with the CMS Detector
Speaker: Dr.Joel Butler(Fermilab) Time: 9:00 June 6 Place: Room 214, IHEP Main Building
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- May
2016 -
【5.26】Academic Lecture: Integrated Readout electronics for SiPM based PET
Speaker: Prof.Stefaan Tavernier(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium) Time: 15:00PM, May 26 Place: Room 214, IHEP Main Building
- 11
- May
2016 -
【5.26】Academic Lecture: Dark matter, where are you hiding (from particle physicists)?
Speaker: Prof. Bing-Lin Young (杨炳麟)(Iowa State University) Time: 10:00AM, May 26th (Thursday) Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
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- Apr
2016 -
【5.11】Academic Lecture: Analysis of Two-body Charmed B Meson Decays in Factorization-AssistedTopological-Amplitude Approach
Speaker: ZHOU Sihong Time: May 11 Place: Room 319, The Division of Theoritical Physics
- 04
- May
2016 -
【5.24】Academic Lecture:The storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) method promising the most sensitive hadronic EDM experiment
Speaker: Professor Yannis K. Semertzidis Time: 10:00 AM, May 24th (Tuesday) Place: Main Building B326,EPC.