【1.6】AcademicLecture: Muon cooling: the Higgs factory of the future?
Title: Muon cooling: the Higgs factory of the future?
Speaker: Prof.Carlo Rubbia (Nobel laureate)
Moderator: Academician CHEN Hesheng
Time: 14:30, January 6
Place: Room A214, IHEP Main Building
About the speaker:
Prof. Carlo Rubbia is a distinguished physicist. After 1970, he successively served as Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard University, Director-General of European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Director of Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment (Italy) and Scientific Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam (Germany). He won the“Nobel Prize in Physics”in 1994.
Prof. Carlo Rubbia has made outstanding contributions in particle physics, especially in the field of weak interactions. In 1976, he suggested adapting CERN’s Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to collide protons and antiprotons in the same ring, and led an international team, UA1 Collaboration, of more than 100 physicists, discovered the intermediate vector bosons, the W and Z bosons. He proposed the concept of an energy amplifier, a novel and safe way of producing nuclear energy exploiting accelerator technologies, which is actively being studied worldwide in order to incinerate high activity waste from nuclear reactors.