【5.24】Academic Lecture:The storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) method promising the most sensitive hadronic EDM experiment

Title: The storage ring proton electric dipole moment (EDM) method promising the most sensitive hadronic EDM experiment

Speaker: Professor Yannis K. Semertzidis

Director of Center for Axion and Precision Physics, IBS

Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Technology (KAIST)

Time: 10:00 AM, May 24th (Tuesday)

Place: Main Building B326,EPC.


Another related subject, through the strong CP-problem, is the search for the EDM of the proton, improving the present sensitivity by more than three orders of magnitude. Usually the study of EDM involves the application of strong electric fields and neutral systems were thought to be easier to work with at first. Recently it became clear that charged particles in all-electric storage rings can be used instead, for sensitive EDM searches by using techniques similar to the muon g-2 experiment. The high sensitivity study of the proton EDM is possible due to the high intensity polarized proton beams readily available today, making possible to reach beyond 103 TeV in New Physics mass scale. This experiment can offer the best motivation for the next large hadron collider under consideration in China.