First 5.5 T superconducting magnetic separation magnet developed
Jul 20, 2012Scientists at the Institute of High Energy Physics successfully developed a 5.5 T High Gradient Superconducting Magnetic Separation (HGMS) magnet with a zero boil-off cryostat. The newly-developed magnet adopted a new...
Important progress made on CSNS cryogenic accumulator
Jul 20, 2012IHEP scientists announced that important progress had been made on the R&D of the cryogenic accumulator for the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project.
CSNS DTL prototype developed
Jul 11, 2012It was announced on June 27th that the Drift Tube Linac(DTL) prototype for the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project was successfully developed at the Institute of High Energy Physics.
Important progress made on CSNS digital low level RF control system
Jul 02, 2012Days ago, IHEP scientists announced that important progress had been made on the digital low level RF (LLRF) control system of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project.
BESIII new members approved, data acquisition plans set
Jun 21, 2012New members were approved at the most recent BESIII Collaboration meeting, which extends the list of collaborators to a total of 52. The new members are Uppsala University in Sweden and COMSATS Institute of Informatio...
Project applications for Program 973 reviewed
Jun 13, 2012Recently, scientists with the Institute of High Energy Physics finished defense of four project applications for Program 973 in the second-round review. In 2012, IHEP submitted five project applications, four of them...
Two dimensional X-ray detector developed
Jun 15, 2012Scientific researchers at the Institute of High Energy Physics developed a two dimensional X-ray detector with a high counting rate for X-ray and a high position resolution for detection.
Micro SPECT/CT system developed
Jun 08, 2012Scientists at the Institute of High Energy Physics developed a micro SPECT/CT system with a high resolution imaging capability on small animals (bones, organs, etc.). This system provides a new tool for scientific res...
ARP Information Management System for CAS Pilot Projects launched
Jun 07, 2012A meeting on ARP Information Management System for CAS Pilot Projects took place at IHEP On May 24th. Technicians from the ARP center under the
China’s roadmap for ILC cooperation discussed
Jun 06, 2012From May 29 to 30, the Institute of High Energy Physics hosted the Second China’s Linear Collider Workshop (CLCWS12) in Xijiao Hotel, Beijing. Over thirty front-line scientists on theoretical physics