BSRF First Open Run in 2018 Completed
Aug 16, 2018The first dedicated run in 2018 at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) was open to users from June 17 to July 27. During this dedicated run, 310 experiments and research projects were conducted at BSRF,...
The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy Held
Aug 16, 2018The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy (PWA10/ATHOS5) was held at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) from July 16 to 20. More than 70 scholars and stude...
JUNO Collaboration Welcomes New Members
Aug 16, 2018Five new member institutions and two observers were approved to join the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) Collaboration, which led to a total of 77 formal members and three observers to date. The newl...
Scientists Look into Propagation of Redox Phase Transformations Using Synchrotron Radiation Based Technique
Aug 10, 2018An international research team has used the synchrotron based nano-scale spectro-microscopy technique to visualize the thermally driven propagation of a reaction front in charged charged NMC particles. They developed...
Global Physics Photowalk 2018 Open for Registration
Jul 24, 2018The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), as member of the Interactions Collaboration is sending the invitations in China to the photographers, both amateurs and professionals, to a three-hour, behind-the-scenes Ph...
Mixing Between Two Light Scalar Mesons Observed at BESIII
Jul 16, 2018Scientists observed the mixing of two light scalar mesons, a00(980) and f0(980), using data samples accumulated with the Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII). This observation should help clear up what the 980 MeV scalar mes...
Dominant Decay Channel of Higgs Particle Observed at ATLAS
Jul 10, 2018The Higgs boson to the bottom quark decay process (H→bb), the most important decay channel of the Higgs particle was recently observed by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The observation resul...
ATLAS Experiment Observes VBF Higgs Production
Jul 10, 2018The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) presented the latest results on Higgs physics at the International Conference of High Energy Physics in Seoul on July 9th. The results included the observation o...
Mid-term Review of Research on CEPC Detector R&D
Jul 10, 2018An international review meeting for the detector R&D at the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) project was held at the Institute of High Energy Physics on June 16th. More than 25 detector experts from France,...
Third PANDA Symposium Held in Chengdu
Jul 09, 2018The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) held the third PANDA Symposium on Time Domain Astronomy and First Results from Insight-HXMT from June 18th to 22nd in Chengdu. Nearly 150 attendees from scientific institut...