BSRF First Open Run in 2018 Completed


The first dedicated run in 2018 at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) was open to users from June 17 to July 27.

During this dedicated run, 310 experiments and research projects were conducted at BSRF, from fields including materials science, chemistry, environmental science, life sciences, condensed matter physics and archaeology.

Thirteen beamlines and experimental stations were involved in providing 893.07 operation hours to 106 user groups from research institutions in China and six from abroad.

Apart from basic sciences, BSRF also provided operation hours and important technical support to key national scientific projects.

As part of the upgraded Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) facility, BSRF has been open to users since 1991. As an important experimental platform in China, BSRF can supply beam time of 2,000 hours per year to upwards of 500 experiments for over 1,000 users from more than 100 institutes and universities at home and abroad.


Users at 4W1B-X beamline setting the samples (Image by IHEP)

Contact Information

Mr. Guo Lijun

International Office, IHEP