Upcoming Events
- 23
- Oct
2014 -
【10.31】Academic Lecture: Neutrino Masses and Conformal Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 20
- Oct
2014 -
【10.23】Academic Lecture: xtra Dimensions and the Hierarchies of Particle Physics
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 20
- Oct
2014 -
【10.27】Academic Lecture: New physics searches at CMS
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 11
- Oct
2014 -
【10.9】Academic Lecture: Some researches on Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 11
- Oct
2014 -
【10.15】Academic Lecture: First Results from the PandaX-I Experiment
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 25
- Sep
2014 -
【9.26】Academic Lectures: European Spallation Source--Construction Update& Technical Design Choices
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 25
- Sep
2014 -
【10.14】Academic Lecture: Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos: a window to new physics
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 25
- Sep
2014 -
【10.10】Academic lecture: Higgs-flavon mixing and LHC phenomenology in a simplified model of broken flavor symmetry
Speaker: Time: Place:
- 25
- Sep
2014 -
【9.25】Academic Lecture: 4D N=4 Super-Yang-Mills on conic space as hologram of 5D STU topological black holes
Speaker: Time: Place: