HERD Prototype Experiment Accomplished at CERN SPS
Dec 03, 2015The prototype of HERD (High Energy Radiation Detection) had its beam experiment at CERN SPS to test its scheme and technologies from November 11 to 20, 2015.
Zhan Wenlong Inspects CSNS
Dec 02, 2015At the critical phase of CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source), CAS Vice President Zhan Wenlong paid an inspection tour to the project on November 25, 2015.
2015 KEK-IHEP Annual Cooperative Meeting held at IHEP
Dec 01, 2015The 2015 IHEP-KEK Annual Cooperative Meeting took place at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) on November 27, 2015.
Workshop on New Physics at LHC and Future Colliders and on Madgraph Held in Beijing
Dec 01, 2015The Workshop on New Physics at LHC and Future Colliders and on Madgraph, organized by the Center for Advanced Physics of IHEP, was held in Beijing on November 20, 2015. More than 30 scholars from CERN, China, Grenoble...
Workshop on Neutron Scattering Held in Beijing
Nov 30, 2015The Third National Workshop on Neutron Scattering, organized by Peking University and China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) in cooperation with CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) and CAEP (China Academy of Engin...
IHEP High-tech Products Awarded at 17th China Hi-Tech Fair
Nov 27, 2015The 17th China Hi-Tech Fair opened in Shenzhen on November 16, 2015. CAS had a space of 5000 square meters on the Fair to exhibit its scientific and technological results.
Dark Matter Detecting Satellite Silicon Array Detector Team Enters Launching Site
Nov 27, 2015The dark matter particle detecting satellite is one of the five satellites under the CAS’s space science “Pioneer Initiative” program, and is the first of the series scheduled to be launched in mid-December, 2015.
CAS Vice President Zhan Wenlong Inspects ADS
Nov 24, 2015CAS Vice President Zhan Wenlong came to IHEP and inspected ADS (Accelerator-driven Sub-system) construction on November 18th, 2015.
Hydrogen Cycling Cooling Box of CSNS Cooling System Successfully Tested
Nov 23, 2015Hydrogen cycling cooling box is the critical component of the CSNS cooling system. On November 18th, 2015, a cooling test with liquid nitrogen was successfully carried out on the box.
LHAASO Civil Engineering Review Held in Beijing
Nov 23, 2015The review on the design of Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) civil engineering work was held on November 17, 2015.