State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics to be set up


In a policy document issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China on November 17, 2011, the State Key Laboratory of Particle Detection and Electronics jointly proposed by IHEP and the University of Science and Technology was officially approved to be set up.

The joint laboratory was initially set up by IHEP and USTC on April 25, 2005. In December 2008, the laboratory was awarded the title of “Key Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”. The main research fields of the key laboratory cover the advanced nuclear detection technology, front-end electronics, high-capacity data acquisition and processing system. Among its current R&D efforts are: the new two-dimensional gas pixel detector and its electronics, high-performance RPC / MRPC detector and its application, new semiconductor pixel detector and its electronics and 3D technology, ASIC design and application, new neutron scintillation detector and so on. 110 scientists and engineers and more than 60 graduate and postdoctoral students are now involved in the efforts of the laboratory.

After the approval, IHEP and USTC will make further efforts and ensure that this national key lab will be able to attract first-class scientists and to promote the development of nuclear detector technologies and nuclear electronics in China.

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