Postdoc Position at IHEP, CAS


The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing invites applications for several postdoctoral fellowship positions in collider physics. IHEP is a national lab and the premier high-energy physics center in China. IHEP leads the CEPC project ( and participates in the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. The institute hosts a Tier-2 Grid site and provides excellent computing resources and support to researchers.

The postdoc fellows are expected to play important roles in one or more aspects in the areas of physics analysis, software development, detector operations (Pixel or Muon detectors), and detector upgrade with the ATLAS experiment, and/or physics studies and experiment design for the CEPC. Actual activities will be discussed with candidates, taking into account their experience and desires, together with the IHEP group goals.

There is special interest in candidates with expertise to take a leading role in the DAQ and operations of the ATLAS Pixel detector and in R&D for the Inner Tracker Phase II upgrade. Other areas of focused interest are tracking and vertex software, including high-pT b-tagging and fast simulation development. Physics analysis interests are broad including, but not limited to, Standard Model and Higgs physics and associated searches for new physics.

Candidates should have or expect to have a PhD degree in particle physics by the time of appointment. The successful applicants can be based full time or partially at CERN, if working in ATLAS. Knowledge of Chinese language is not required.

Initial appointment will be for two years, with possible renewal. The annual salary will be commensurate with the candidate's experience and competitive internationally. Outstanding candidates will be recommended to apply for the “Chung-Yao Chao Fellowship” in 2016 which provides additional 80k RMB (12.8 k USD) per year for each successful candidate.

The candidate should submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and plan, a list of publications, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation, sent by email to Prof. Joao Guimaraes da Costa ( and Ms. Xiaoyan Dong (

The review of applications will begin immediately upon reception of required materials. The positions will remain open until they are filled.

Please refer to the information about "Chung-Yao Chao Fellowship":

( Application for the 2016 Fellowships is expected to open around March 2016.