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The BESIII Collaboration Discovered a Glueball-like Particle – X(2370) The Beijing Electron Positron Collider II (BEPCII) has recently made a significant achievement. The BESIII experiment at BEPCII performed the first measurements of the quantum numbers of the X(2370) particle, along with its mass, production, and decay properties, and found that they are consistent with the features of a glueball, which has long been the subject of intensive experimental searches. This important result was published in the journal of Physical Review Letters on May 2nd as an Editor’s Suggestion.
Observation of structures in the processes e+e-→ωχc1 and ωχc2 The BESIII collaboration recently reported the observation of two resonance structures in the processes e+e-→ωχc1 and e+e-→ωχc2. One structure is likely to be the well-established resonance ψ(4415), and another is observed for the first time. The results have been published in Physics Review Letters on April 19, 2024 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 161901 (2024)].
Renowned for Two Decades, Charm Revealed Now BESIII Collaboration has performed the first measurement of the lineshape of X(3872) via a coupled-channel analysis. This research has been published in Physics Review Letters on 12, April 2024 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 151903].
Evidence of a new subatomic particle The BESIII collaboration recently reported the observation of an anomalous line shape around ppbar mass threshold in the J/ψ→γ3(π+π-) decay, which indicates the existence of a ppbar bound state. This paper has been published online in Physical Review Letters on April 9, 2024. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132,151904 (2024)]
Understanding the nature of f0(980) in the Ds semileptonic decay BESIII collaboration has reported the first hadronic form factor measurement of the semileptonic decay D_s^+→f_0 (980)e^+ ν_e with f_0 (980)→π^+ π^- and the first search of the decay D_s^+→f_0 (500)e^+ ν_e with f_0 (500)→π^+ π^-. These results have been published in Physical Review Letters on 05 April 2024. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132,141901(2024)].
Disparity in Λ decay that reveals ΔI =1/2 rule The BESIII collaboration recently reported “Investigation of the ΔI = 1/2 rule and test of CP symmetry through the measurement of decay asymmetry parameters in Ξ- decays”, which has been published in Physical Review Letters on 06 March 2024 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 101801 (2024)].
Observation of D_s^+→η^' μ^+ ν_μ, Precision Test of Lepton Flavor Universality with D_s^+→η^((')) l^+ ν_l, and First Measurements of D_s^+→η^((')) μ^+ ν_μ Decay Dynamics The BESIII collaboration has reported the observation of Ds+→η' μ+νμ, precision test of lepton flavor universality with Ds+→η(') l+ νl, and first measurements of Ds+→η(') μ+ νμ decay dynamics. These results have been published in Physical Review Letters on 28 February 2024. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 091802 (2024)].