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PhD Thesis Award

 “BESIII PhD Thesis Award” is designed for students who have distinguished themselves by performing outstanding contributions to BESIII in the related areas (physics analysis, software, computing, hardware, etc.) in the context of a Ph.D. thesis.


* Committee  

  Chair : Yajun Mao (PKU) [Term: summer 2024- summer 2026]

   Members : Frederick Harris, Feng Liu(summer 2023- summer 2026) 

          Andrzej Kupsc, Yajun Mao(summer 2024- summer 2026

          Johan Messchendorp, Xueyao Zhang (summer 2024- summer 2025)

Awardees 2023

***  Hong-Fei Shen (IHEP, supervised by Prof. Hai-Bo Li):

      “Study of the hyperon-antihyperon pair productions and their decay mechanism at BESIII 

*** Yong Xie (Shandong Univ., supervised by Prof. Zhiqing Liu):

      “Study of D-wave charmonia at BESIIII”  

*** Zhiyi Wang (UCAS, supervised by Prof. Xiaorui lyu): 

      “Study of the Exotic States and Charmed Hadron Decays at BESIII


Awardees 2022 

*** Meike Kübner (Univ. of Bochum, supervised by Profs. Fritz-Herbert Heinsius and Ulrich Wiedner):

      “Coupled Channel Partial Wave Analysis of Two-Photon Reactions at BESIII 

*** Yunxuan Song (Peking Univ., supervised by Prof. Yajun Mao):

      “Search for Baryon Number Violation and Flavor Changing Neutral Current at BESIII”  

*** Jianyu Zhang (IHEP, supervised by Prof. Haibo Li): 

      “Studies of Hyperon Decays and CP violation at BESIII”