Clinics & Hospitals


The nearest hospitals, pharmacies and clinics to IHEP are listed below.



1. IHEP Clinic

IHEP has its own clinic for basic consultations and prescriptions (e.g. colds and fevers).

Location: First floor of the physics building, IHEP Main Building

Opening hours: 8:00-11:45 (Monday to Friday)

Tel.: 88235960

2. Aerospace Central Hospital

This is a general hospital, with all the usual hospital departments.

Opening hours for outpatients8:00-17:00 (8:00-11:30 during weekends and holidays)

Tel.: 59971199

Address: 15 Yuquan Road, Haidian District, Beijing (about a block north of IHEP, on the same side of the road).


3. Tsinghua University Yuquan Hospital

This is a general hospital, with all the usual hospital departments.

Opening hours for outpatients8:00-11:30 and 13:30-16:30 (Monday to Friday)

Address: 5 Shijingshan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing (a block west of IHEP / UCAS, from the main gate of UCAS).

Tel.: 88257755


4. Jiashitang Pharmacy

Location: Southeast of the Yuquan Road crossroads, near the southeast entrance of the subway station (next to the China Construction Bank).