Associate professor
Prof. Wang's research focuses on theoretical high-energy astrophsycis, in the areas of both nuclear astrophysics and astro-particle physics. Her research interests include r process nucleosynthesis, gamma rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos, neutron star mergers, supernovae and starburst galaxy. Dr. Wang also has connections with a number of high-energy space missions at IHEP, including HXMT, HERD, LHAASO and MeVGRO.
Prof. Wang invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher or senior postdoctoral researcher position in high energy astrophysics. The researcher will work in Prof. Wang's group on data analysis and theoretical development to support current and future high-energy missions at IHEP, or heavy-element nucleosynthesis studies. Researchers with theoretical, computational, experimental, or observational expertise on nuclear astrophysics or astro-particle, such as nucleosynthesis, radiative transfer, particle acceleration, neutrinos, cosmic rays, or related topics, are encouraged to apply.

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