Group Director
Multi-scaled molecular simulations, AI aided algorithm development in nano-biointeraction mechanism and synchrotron radiation data analysis
The postdoc position is on AI aided algorithm development in synchrotron radiation data analysis and discovery of material science. Salaries are competitive and depend on the Postdoc’s previous experience. Requirements: i) be no more than 35 years of age at the time of application and should have obtained their Ph.D.. ii) possess a Ph.D. in computer, mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials or other related major. iii) have a solid knowledge of machine learning, deep learning or other related research foundation; have a background in programming and numerical skill(f.e.,Python, Fortran, C, C++, ). iv) Have strong scientific research and innovation ability, teamwork spirit, good academic ethics and rigorous scientific attitude Applications, including detailed curriculum vitae, list of publications, and at least two letters of recommendation, should be sent to linazhao@ihep.ac.cn

Research Division: Memeber of Biophysical Society of China Nanobiology, Nanobiocatalysis; Reviewer of Swiss National Natural Fund
Email: linazhao@ihep.ac.c