Dongguan Branch
Established in February 2013, the Dongguan Campus is a branch of IHEP dedicated to building and operating the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), a large-scale scientific facility being constructed in Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong. The Dongguan Campus consists of three research divisions, the Division of Accelerator Technology, Division of Neutron Science, and Facilities Operation and Management , as well as eight other administrative offices. There are currently over 300 staff and students based at the Dongguan Campus.
Experimental Physics Division
The Experimental Physics Division (EPD) of IHEP is an established research center for experimental particle physics in China. It is also a development center for the technologies needed for particle physics experiments, including advanced detectors, electronics, high speed data acquisition and signal processing, and superconducting magnets. The EPD was responsible for the design and construction of the BEijing Spectrometer III (BES III) experiment and the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment, which are now running. The Division is currently building the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), which expects to start data taking in 2020.
Particle Astrophysics Division
The Division is mainly involved in studies of the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe by observing cosmic rays. The Division undertakes many important research projects and international collaborations. The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) is a collimated hard X-ray (20-200 keV) telescope with the highest sensitivity and spatial resolution power in the world. Its R&D started in March 2011, and will be launched in 2015.
Theoretical Physics Division
The Theoretical Physics Division (TPD) of IHEP has established itself as an internationally recognized research center in particle and nuclear physics theory and has been listed as one of the top priorities in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Innovation Project scheme. The TPD’s research covers the frontiers of particle physics, medium and high energy nuclear physics, particle astrophysics and cosmology. It focusses on exploring the fundamental structure of matter, fundamental interactions, and the origin and evolution of our universe. Current topics of research include neutrino physics, TeV physics, cosmology, heavy flavor physics (charm and B physics), hadr...
Computing Center
The Computing Center is mainly engaged in computing, storage and network technology research and offering technical support services to large-scale scientific projects such as the Beijing Electron Positron Collider. Research activities include grid computing, cloud computing, high performance computing, data storage and management, high performance networks and security, e-Science technology, and database applications. The Center currently has more than 30 staff and 20 graduate students. The Computing Center has independently built a large-scale computing cluster with 10,000 CPU cores. There is over 10 PB of storage space, with up to 80 Gbps backbone network...
Accelerator Division
The Accelerator Division designs, constructs and operates particle accelerators, and conducts research on accelerator physics and technology and their applications. This includes radio frequency engineering, microwaves, power supplies, magnets, auto-control systems, ultra-high vacuum, precision mechanics, cryogenic superconductivity, beam diagnostics and radiation protection. The Division was responsible for the upgrade project of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII), and is now working on construction of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS),and the high current proton linear accelerator, Injector I of the Accelerator-Driven Sub-critical Syst...
Multi-disciplinary Research Division
The main focus of Multi-Disciplinary Research Division is on developing synchrotron radiation and nuclear analysis technologies, but it also promotes cross-disciplinary research in condensed physics, chemistry, biology, nanomaterials, nanomedicine, environment and resources, thus supporting both frontier science research and industrial applications. The Division is in charge of the construction and operation of the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). Recently, the Division is also conducting pre-studies and engineering verification of the key technologies for the planned High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), which will be the world’s most advanced lig...
Division of Nuclear Technology and Applications
The Division of Nuclear Technology and Applications focuses on the R&D of nuclear technology oriented by social and economic needs. It is also a platform of technology transfer for advanced accelerator and radiation technology. By actively attracting investment from society and working with industry, it is dedicated to promoting application and technology transfer. The division works on research of applied nuclear science, development of key components and instrumentation aimed for technology transfer. The division has also set up open platforms for molecular imaging research and nondestructive-testing services to meet society's needs.