Sino – Japanese Cooperation on AS and Solar Neutron Experiment

The purpose of this cooperative experiment is as follows:
1) to search and monitor the Gamma ray sources with the energy threshold of 3TeV.
2) to study the configuration and variation of the solar and interplanetary magnetic fields under the influence of the solar activity by monitoring on time variation of the Sun shadows of cosmic rays.
3) energy spectrum around the composition study and the "knee" of primary cosmic rays.
4) to monitor the time variation of cosmic rays with the energy larger than 14 GeV detect the solar proton and neutron events and study the solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays and the production process of high energy particles in solar flares or CMEs.
Taking part in this international cooperation on the Chinese side are the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS Center for Space Science and Applied Research, CAS; Shandong University; Southwest Jiaotong University; Tibet University and Yunnan University with Professor Youheng Tan being the spokesman, on the Japanese side are Hirosaki University; Utsunomiya University; Saitama University; Shibaura Institute of Technology; University of Tokyo; Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautical Engineering; National Institute of Information; Waseda University; Kanagawa University; Yokohama National University; Shonan Institute of Technology; Nagoya University and Konan University with Professor Toshinori Yuda being the spokesman.