BESIII Winter Collaboration Meeting 2016 Held

The BESIII Winter Collaboration Meeting for 2016 was held at IHEP from November 12 to 16. More than 100 participants from the Collaboration attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by BESIII Spokesperson Shen Xiaoyan. More than 100 talks were given, covering the operation and upgrade of BEPCII over the past year, detector and software upgrades at BESIII, and the most recent progress on physics analyses.

BESIII has achieved a great deal in 2016, with 20 papers published or in the process of review. In order to maintain and improve the physics output of BESIII, a dedicated session was arranged to discuss future physics potential at BESIII and preparation for a physics white paper.  

The 2017 BESIII spring workshop on physics and software will be held at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.