The Beijing Test Beam Facility (BTBF) completed the second of its two open runs for 2016 in October, the first having been held in June. A series of experiments were carried out at BTBF, including beam tests for high timing resolution MRPC, CBM TOF MRPC, CSR T0 and trigger MRPC, MCP-PMT, cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) detector and LYSO (Ce) detector.
Researchers from Tsinghua University, the University Of Science And Technology Of China, the China Academy of Space Technology and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences completed experiments at the facility.
BTBF is a middle and high energy proton/pion and electron test beam line, the only one of its kind within China. Since various types of detector tests can be performed on it, the facility plays an important role in detector R&D.
In order to allow user experiments, the upgraded Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) was adjusted to decay mode for synchrotron radiation. BTBF arranged its running schedule accordingly and the open run was finished ahead of schedule.

Beijing Test Beam Facility (Image by IHEP)