The Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF)’s first dedicated run open to users in 2016 lasted from June 29 to July 29. 14 beamlines and experimental stations were involved in providing 604.83 operation hours to users.
During this run, 230 experiments and research projects, covering material science, chemistry, environmental science, life science, condensed matter physics, archaeology and so on, were performed. Apart from basic sciences, BSRF and the the High Energy Photon Source-Test Facility (HEPS-TF) also provided operation hours and important technical support to some national key projects. There were 85 users from research institutions in China and one from abroad.
In this dedicated summer cycle, the time-resolved X-ray method development system, one of the many systems of the HEPS-TF, made substantial progress. The laser pump/X-ray probe achieved a high repetition rate of up to 310 kHz after a new high power, high repetition rate laser was installed this cycle. Compared to previous experiments using a 1 kHz laser, the signal to noise under the high repetition rate detection improved dramatically. Thanks to this improvement, ultrafast X-ray absorption spectroscopy was obtained successfully for the first time.

Users at 1W1B-XAFS station collecting data (Image by IHEP)