BESIII Collaboration 2016 Summer Meeting Held in Wuhan

The BESIII Collaboration 2016 Summer Meeting was held from June 13th to 17th at Central China NormalUniversity(CCNU), Wuhan. The meeting attracted around 200 scholars and students from 49 research institutions in the United States, German, Italy, Sweden, Turkey, Korea, Mongolia and China.ProfessorLuciano Maiani, the former Director-General of CERN, was invited to attend the meeting as a special guest.

The major focus of themeetingthis year was tau-charm Physics. Participantsdiscussed the latestresearchprogress and resultsof different physics studies and the work plan for the next phase.The Indian Institute of Technology Madras was approved by all the members present as the latestmember of the Collaboration, bringing the number of participating institutions to 56. During the meeting, some of the attendees toured the Silicon Pixels Laboratory of CCNUand discussed the establishment of long-term cooperation and co-training programsbetween members of the Collaboration.