The BESIII Spring 2016 Physics & Software Workshop was held from March 12th to 15th at Nankai University, Tianjin. The workshop this year attracted more than 200 scientists and young scholars from around 40 research institutions and universities in China, Germany, Italy, the United States, Russia, Sweden, the Netherlands and elsewhere.
The major focus of the workshop was discussion of BESIII physics and software. Fifty talks were given on topics related to BESIII data taking and significant physics results, including the status and progress of the accelerator, detectors, software and computing. The software group reported the progress of software reconstruction while the physics group presented the latest physics analyses. In addition, four parallel sections were organized, on LHS, charm, tau-RQCD and charmonium physics. Since the last collaboration meeting, a total of 12 articles have been published or submitted. BESIII will continue to maintain a good momentum of development and more results will continue to be published.
The next BESIII Collaboration meeting will be held from June 13th to 17th at Central China Normal University.

BESIII Physics and Software Workshop Held at IHEP (Image by IHEP)