BESIII Collaboration Meeting in Winter of 2015 Held at IHEP

The BESIII Collaboration Meeting in Winter of 2015 was held at IHEP from December 12 to 16, 2015. Scholars from 58 members (including 3 newly accepted) of the Collaboration attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Spokesperson of the BESIII Collaboration Shen Xiaoyan. More than 100 talks were given at the meeting. Yu Chenghui from the Center for Accelerators reported about the operation and upgrade of BEPCII over the past year. BESIII reported on its detector and software upgrade and the most recent progress on physics analysis.

BESIII has achieved a great deal in 2015 with 35 papers published and 5 in the process of review, the largest number in one year ever since the Collaboration. At the meeting, all the physics groups reported on their respective plans for taking data, which was a hot topic for discussions.

According to the rules of the Collaboration, three new members (the Southeast University, the University of Jinan and the University of Munster) were accepted and Peng Haiping from the University of Science and Technology of China was elected as the Co-spokesperson of the Collaboration.

It is decided that the 2016 spring workshop on physics & software will be held in Nankai University.