BESIII Physics and Software Workshop Held at IHEP

The BESIII Physics and Software Workshop was held at IHEP from September 19 to 22, 2015. More than 100 scholars from home and abroad attended the workshop.

The workshop was chaired by Prof. Li Haibo from IHEP. The topics of the workshop were mainly concentrated on the discussions about BESIII physics and software. At the workshop, the physics group reported on the progress of data taking while the software group reported on the ways of reconstruction.   

In the meeting, a special report on the MRPC hardware installation and software upgrade was arranged since the BESIII end cap time of flight counter was upgraded last summer. According to the report, the time resolution rate of the new MRPC detector proved to be better than 80ps, a great leap forward relative to the 100ps before the upgrade.

Since the last Collaboration meeting, the number of articles published or delivered reached 18. BESIII will continue to maintain a good momentum of development, more results will continue to be published.

It is decided that the next Collaboration meeting will be held in Beijing in the winter of 2015.