2015 BESIII CGEM Cloud Computing Summer School Successfully Held

The 2015 BESIII CGEM Cloud Computing Summer School, sponsored by CCAST and the BESIII CGEM Project and organized by the Computing Center of IHEP, was successfully held from September 7 to 11, 2015. 

Students from universities and institutes of Italy, Sweden, Russia and China attended the school. Teachers from IHEP, Zhejiang University and the University of Turing, Italy were invited to teach at the school.    

The school courses were mainly about cloud computing and virtualization technologies, including basic technologies, mainstream open source system and the status of the related industries. Besides for theoretical lessons, the school also organized practical exercises for the students. Through the courses, the The students learned basic knowledge about cloud computing, had fruitful exchanges and upgraded their hands-on capabilities. 

The school was a full success and achieved good results. It is planned that the next school will be held in Europe.