2015 Annual BSRF User & Expert Meeting Successfully Held

The 2015 Annual BSRF User & Expert Meeting was successfully held in Xi'an on August 19-21, 2015. 191 experts and user representatives attended the meeting. 

Chen Hesheng, Director of the BEPC National Laboratory, opened the meeting by extending his warm congratulations to the meeting. In his remarks, Chen said that BSRF (Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility) is a facility open to users both at home and around the world, we need to keep close ties with the users and listen to their opinions. Chen expressed his thanks to the users for their long-standing support to the work of BSRF. 

This annual meeting had 16 invited talks, 17 key experiment application talks and 32 user communication talks. The three synchrotron radiation facilities at home reported respectively on the progress of their work. CSNS ( China Spallation Neutron Source) reported about their project progress and the applications of neutrons. The talks and reports covered a wide range of topics, including life sciences, environmental sciences, material sciences, nano-materials and catalytic chemistry. 

Dong Yuhui, Director of the Center for Multi-disciplinary Research of IHEP, made the summary talk in which he congratulated on the success of the meeting and hoped that BSRF could play a bigger role in the future, further promoting the development of synchrotron radiation facilities and their applications.