BESIII Collaboration Summer Meeting 2015 Held in Shanghai

The BESIII Collaboration Summer Meeting 2015 was held in Shanghai Jiaotong University on June 14-17, 2015. More than 200 scientists from 40 universities and research institutions in China, U.S., Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Pakistan and Mongolia attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Prof. Xiaoyan Shen, the BESIII Collaboration spokesperson. Porf. Yifang Wang, Director of IHEP also attended the meeting. Prof. Xiaoqun Wang from the Shanghai Jiaotong University delivered welcome remarks.

There’re 108 talks presented in this collaboration meeting, which creates a new record. Prof. Chuan Liu from Peking University reported the recent progress from Lattice QCD. Prof. Qiang Zhao from IHEP reviewed the theoretical studies of XYZ spectroscopy. Prof. Chenghui Yu from IHEP reported the BEPCII operation and luminosity commissioning. The BESIII groups reported the status of hardware and software upgrade. With the efforts of both hardware and software experts, the newly installed MRPC improved the time resolution from 100 ps to 55 ps. The new inner drift chamber has been accomplished and will be tested with cosmic rays. The physics groups reported the recent results of data analysis in 2015. Up to now, 18 papers on BESIII physics have been published or received.

The applications of membership from the group of the University of Science and Technology Liaoning and the group of the Institute of Physics and Technology, Mongolia have been approved by the collaboration. It is decided that the next Collaboration meeting and the 2015 Autumn Software Workshop will be held at IHEP.