BESIII Finished Data-taking at 2.125 GeV for Y(2175) Study

With the joint efforts from the staffs of BEPCII /BESIII,  a lot of the difficulites were overcome to ensure both BEPCII and BESIII running well in low energy region. Within one and half a month (1 May -- 17 June, 2015), the BESIII experiment sucessfully finished the data taking at the center of mass energy of 2.125 GeV  in line with the data-taking plans.  A total integrated luminosity of 100 pb^-1 data was recorded, which has provided a firm basis for investigating the nature of Y(2175) and its decays. 

Y(2175) was discovered in 2007. Due to the limited statistics, its nature is still ambiguous. A number of different theoretical interpretations were then proposed for the Y(2175), e.g., hybrid and strangeonium states. At present the world's largest data sample at 2.125 GeV accumulated at the BESIII detector offers a unique opportunity to study Y(2175) decays and to search for new strangeonium particle (Zs).