BEPCII operating costs examined, future plans reviewed

From April 5 to 6, 15 experts from CAS institutes and universities conducted an on-site review of the BEPCII's operating expenditures in 2011 and its running plans in 2012.

Experts listened to the report on BEPCII’s running costs in 2011 and had extended discussions. They emphasized that the classification of maintenance expenditures should be arranged in a more scientific way, and more attention should be paid to the continuation in budget making and its execution.

Prof. WANG Yifang extended his sincere appreciation to the experts. He commented that the suggestions would be a strong push to strengthen the project cost management in the future.

After examining the BEPCII’s running costs in 2011, experts continued to review the BEPCII’s operating plans in 2012. Experts concluded that in 2011 BEPCII had got a good running status, and its running plans in 2012 were feasible. As the only Chinese mega-science facility that takes a strong position in the international τ-physics field, BEPCII is faced with fierce competition in the world. It is suggested that in the coming 3 or 4 years, while balancing the research needs from other disciplines, priority be given to high energy experiments to achieve worldwide significant results.