Twentieth Annual Meeting of BEPC Held in Beijing

The Twentieth Annual Meeting of BEPC (Beijing Electron Positron Collider) was held in Miyun, Beijing from August 31 to September 2, 2015. More than 120 delegates from CAS institutes IHEP, IMP, IAP, NSRL and the cooperating institutions attended the meeting. 

Associate Director of IHEP in charge of accelerators Qin Qing chaired the meeting. Academician Chen Hesheng addressed to the opening ceremony. On behalf of the BEPC National Laboratory, Chen extended his hearty congratulations and appreciation to the Center for Accelerators, the Center of Experimental Physics, the Center for Multi-disciplinary Research and the Division for Conventional Facilities for their excellent jobs. He hoped that by this annual meeting, experience could be summarized, future plans be made, striving to reach the designed luminosity 1×1033cm-2s-1 at an early date. 

Deputy Director of IHEP Pan Weimin read at the meeting a letter of congratulations on the meeting. Associate Director of the Center for Accelerators Cao Jianshe reported on the BEPC operation and commissioning, He Kanglin from the Center for Experimental physics reported on the BESIII operation, Director of the Center for Multi-disciplinary Research Dong Yuhui reported on the BSRF operation. Delegates from NSRL, IMP and IAP made reports respectively on their facility operation, commissioning and upgrades. 

Ma Li representing CSNS, Pan Weimin representing ADS, Dong Yuhui representing HEPS gave reports on the progress of their projects. At the sessions, delegates of the BEPC sub-systems made reports summarizing their operation and commissioning experience over the past year. Discussions were held, experience was exchanged and many constructive suggestions were put forward. 

To conclude the meeting, Qin Qing made a summary report. He hoped that every effort should be made to get ready for the next round of operation, striving to reach the designed luminosity and accomplish the data-taking and SR operation tasks.