BSRF Parasitic Mode & BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrades Pass Acceptance Tests

The Bureau of Facility Support and Budget (BFSB) of CAS organized on July 21, 2015 at IHEP the acceptance meeting on the CAS key scientific and technological facility maintenance and repair projects “Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility Parasitic Mode Upgrade and BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrade”. 

Associate Director General of BFSB Lin Mingjiong chaired the acceptance meeting. Li Weiming from the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, CAS headed the expert panel which was composed of experts from the Institute of Applied Physics, the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory and the Institute of Modern Physics, CAS. 

The expert panel listened to the project summary reports, inspected the test sites and reviewed the technical test results. The equipments, budgets and archives of the projects were also reviewed. After serious discussions, the panel concluded that both projects had finished the items listed in the project approval and all the specifications had been met. As a result, the panel unanimously agreed to pass the acceptance. 

The projects bear great significance to the stable operation of the key facilities and the production of scientific results. The BSRF Parasitic Mode Upgrade has greatly improved the BSRF parasitic mode operation, and dedicated mode operation as well. The BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrade has raised the BEPCII positron energy to 2.5 GeV, realizing full energy injection of synchrotron radiation operation and laying an important technical foundation for the Top-up of synchrotron radiation operation. 

IHEP Associate Directors Chen Gang, Qin Qing and members of the two projects attended the above activities. 

Image by IHEP