BEPC running experience exchanged

The BEPC running experience was exchanged and summarized at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC), which was held in Beijing from August 19 to 21, 2010. Present at the meeting were more than 100 representatives from CAS mega-science facilities: the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) and Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP).

Dr. CHEN Hesheng, the IHEP Director, delivered the opening speech in which he spoke highly of the achievements made in data acquisition and synchrotron radiation operation. He particularly mentioned the efforts made by the Division for Accelerators and the cooperation between the division and the other departments concerned.

At the plenary session, reports were made on BEPCII, CSNS, BSRF operation and the performance of the BEPCII Linear Accelerator and that of the BESIII detector. Experts from NSRL, IMP, SINAP gave separate reports on their machines. Representatives from BEPCII sub-systems delivered talks at parallel sessions. Important issues like accelerator physics and beam performance were discussed; different facilities introduced their experience in machine running, luminosity upgrade and other technical problems. On the basis of those discussions and exchanges, the next-phase upgrading plan for BEPCII was made and put forward.

At the closing ceremony, several talented young people from the IHEP Division for Accelerators were given the "Award of Outstanding Youth".