BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrade Appraised

A review meeting, hosted by the Bureau of Planning and Finance, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was held at IHEP on May 10th to appraise the project "BEPCII Linac Energy Upgrade" which 

 experts review the project
aims to upgrade the beam energy of the BEPCII Linac. The upgrade is required by BEPCII physics and synchrotron radiation applications, in addition, its beam orbit monitoring and emittance measurement real-time systems needs to be upgraded.

An expert panel, consisted of experts from other CAS institutions and led by CAS Academician He Duohui, was created to do the review job. Mr. Pan Feng, Deputy Director of Bureau of Planning and Finance introduced the review procedures and requirements. The experts listened to the report by Prof. Chi Yunlong, followed by questions and answers and extended discussions.

The panel concluded that the overall goals of the project were clear and reachable; the main technical specifications including the schedule and the budget were reasonable and practical. With an experienced team from the construction of BEPC and BEPCII, the panel believed that the project would be a full success and suggested that the project be soon implemented.