BEPCII Storage Ring Pre-tested

  On May 14th, 2009, the BEPCII Project invited experts to pre-test the storage ring performance. Thirteen experts, including CAS & CAE Academicians Fang Shouxian, Chen Sengyu and Xian Dingchang, joined the testing team. Wang Jiuqing and Yuan Changzheng briefed the experts the status of the storage ring commissioning and that of the BEPCII luminosity. The experts witnessed the beam collision process in the Central Control Room and tested on site the beam performance.

Test results proved that the peak luminosity was higher than 3×1032 cm-2s-1, the designed acceptance specification. Experts all agreed that the BEPCII performance had been significantly improved in comparison to the BEPC's, and potential for further improvements existed. The group concluded that a CAS technical test be organized as soon as possible, and a national one be applied at the same time.

   On behalf of the Project Management, Chen Hesheng expressed his thanks to the experts, and emphasized the contributions of all the project staff.