Video Conference Held for BEPCII Engineering Design

  At present, the BEPCII design is in the initial stage. Many issues call for discussions with the research institutions and universities both at home and abroad. To overcome the difficulties presented by SARS, we have succeeded in maintaining close contact with them by using phone-calls, e-mails and videoconference system in particular.

  On May 7, we held a video working conference with BNL, during which the design of the supercoducting insertion magnet was discussed. As this item also involves the collaborative effort from Harbin University, a videoconference was held for the three parties in the evening of May 14 to review the design made by BNL for the superconducting magnet. IHEP put forward quite a number of suggestions on the design and discussed in detail with the BNL experts about the interface between the magnet and other parts. The communications among the three parties clarified the mission of each party for the next step.

  The conference decided that the next videoconference would be held on May 28 for further discussion about the design of the magnet and the interface and that one party should e-mail to the other two parties its suggestions, questions and the design drawing so as o make full preparations for the conference.