【9.5】Academic Lecture:iThEC ADS initiatives
iThEC ADS initiatives
Speaker:Jean-Pierre Revol
(Centro Fermi, Rome, Italy/ CERN Physics Department/ President of the international Thorium Energy Committee)
Moderator:Prof.CHEN Hesheng, CAS Member
Time: 14:30, September 5
Place: Room A214, IHEP Main Building
The international Thorium Energy Committee (iThEC), a not for profit association, under Swiss law, was founded in 2012. Its members are physicists, engineers, politicians and other concerned citizens acting to promote R&D on the use of thorium in order to transmute nuclear waste and produce safe, clean and abundant energy. To meet the tremendous World energy needs, systematic R&D has to be pursued to replace fossil fuels. Nuclear energy, which is abundant, produces no green-house gases and no air pollution, should be a leading candidate, and in this context, thorium represents a great potential. However, developed countries do not seem to move in that direction. iThEC is at the origin of two new initiatives, which the speaker will present: a first ADS experiment of substantial power (≥ 1 MW) and a high-power superconducting cyclotron. Global cooperation is highly desirable in this domain, and the speaker will discuss possibilities of cooperation based on the CERN experiment model.
About the speaker:
Since 2000, Jean-Pierre has been a member of the ALICE Collaboration at the CERN LHC (ALICE CERN Team Leader, from 2000 to 2009, and Coordinator of first proton-proton physics activities). Since his retirement from CERN at the end of 2013, Jean-Pierre is a scientific associate at the Fermi Centre for Study and Research, in Rome, and he continues contributing to the ALICE experiment. In addition, for several years, Jean-Pierre was coordinating relations between CERN and several Non-Member State countries. This activity gave him an opportunity to promote cooperation between CERN and developing countries.
In 2012, Jean-Pierre was one of the founding members of the international Thorium Energy Committee (iThEC), and became its first president. iThEC is an international, not for profit association in Geneva, Switzerland, which gathers, physicists, engineers, local politicians, and individuals concerned with the energy problem, with the common goal of promoting energy R&D on thorium.