【9.16】Academic Lecture: X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator (XFELO): The Concept and Recent R&D Advances
Title: X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator (XFELO): The Concept and Recent R&D Advances
Speaker: Prof. Kwang-Je Kim (University of Chicago)
Moderator: Prof.GAO Jie
Time:10:00, Sept.16
Place: Room C305, IHEP Main Building
An XFELO is a low-gain device making use of repeated low-gain amplification in an x-ray cavity. It will produce fully coherent, highly stable x-ray pulses with meV spectral resolution. With an enhancement of 100 fold in the spectral flux and more than 10,000 fold in the spectral brightness over the latest concepts in near diffraction limited storage rings, it is expected to have a dramatic scientific impact in areas such as elucidating the emergent properties of strongly correlated electrons systems, XPCS, M?ssbauer spectroscopy, and experimental quantum optics. There have been significant advances in R&D towards realizing an XFELO: Experimental and theoretical indication that the diamond reflection crystals can endure the intense x-ray exposure inside the optical cavity, demonstration that Be compound refractive lenses can serve as a low-loss, compact focusing elements, and a 5th harmonic XFELO can be operated by 4 GeV superconducting linac to be constructed for the LCLS II project.
About the speaker:
Kwang-Je Kim was trained as an elementary particle theorist, but switched to accelerator physics in 1978, when he joined LBNL, serving as the Deputy Director of Center for Beam Physics. He moved to ANL in 1998, where he founded the Argonne Accelerator Institute. Currently, he is an Argonne Distinguished Fellow and a Professor of Physics at the University of Chicago. He performed groundbreaking research in synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers, both in high-gain amplifier and low-gain oscillator. He became an APS Fellow in 1995, received the International FEL Award in 1997, the USPAS Award in 2013, and the Robert Wilson Prize in 2014.