Title: Flavor Portal Dark Matter: Collider Searches at the LHC and Gamma Ray Signature at the Fermi-LAT
Speaker: Dr. Jiang-Hao Yu (University of Texas at Austin)
Time: 10:00AM, Apr. 16th (Thursday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Abstract: As a simplified model, the flavor portal dark matter has many interesting features. First of all, its rich collider signatures provide us a great opportunity to search it at the LHC. The speaker will focus on collider searches of the top quark portal dark matter using the top quark pair plus transverse missing energy final states. Then the speaker will talk about a new vector fermion portal dark matter which could explain the Galactic Center GeV excess from the Fermi-LAT experiment. Moreover, the speaker will also address on the connections between the flavored dark matter and the leptogenesis.