Title: INSPIRE: your information platform in HEP
Speakers: Dr. Annette Holtkamp & Dr,Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen
Moderator: Prof. PAN Weimin
Time: 9:00 AM, September 5, 2014
Place: Room C305, IHEP Main Building
Since 40 years, SPIRES/INSPIRE serves as the main information platform for high-energy physicists, encompassing the complete corpus of their scientific output and providing state-of-the-art information tools. With IHEP as the newest member of the INSPIRE collaboration, INSPIRE is now in a position to improve the coverage of Chinese research output and better serve the needs of the Chinese HEP community.
This colloquium will present a general overview of the services currently offered by INSPIRE and then focus on efficient searching, author profiles and ORCID identifiers, and lastly integration of research data.
About the speakers:
Dr. Annette Holtkamp has a PhD in Theoretical Physics and is staff member in the Scientific Information Service at CERN. She is responsible for INSPIRE content and coordinates the respective developments within the INSPIRE team. Having worked with SPIRES and INSPIRE for decades, she is very interested in further improving the user experience in the future. Thus, she is also heavily involved in the development of the next INSPIRE platform.
Dr,Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen is a research fellow at CERN. Her research focuses on modern workflows and strategies in Open Science. In her work with INSPIRE she focuses on the integration of research data, author pages and usability challenges. As part of this she is working on establishing better data sharing and citation workflows. She is also excited about ORCID and hopes that every HEP researcher will get an ORCID soon.