【7.2】Academic Lecture:Parton physics from large-momentum effective field theory



Title: Parton physics from large-momentum effective field theory

Speaker: Prof. Xiangdong JI (季向东)(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Time: 3:00PM, July 2nd (Wednesday)

Place: Theoretical Physics Division319


Feynman’s parton model provides a simple description of high-energy scattering involving composite hadrons, but relegates the non-perturbative QCD physics onto the light-cone, which is intrinsically Minkowskian. Wilson’s lattice QCD is intrinsically Euclidean, and cannot be used to calculate the parton physics directly. Despite two decades of efforts, solving the non-perturbative QCD in Minknowski formulation---light-cone quantization---has not yielded a systematic approximation. In this talk, the speaker will introduce a new effective theory of QCD, which un-boosts the parton physics off the light-cone, allowing calculations finally be done in lattice QCD.