【5.13】Academic Lecture: The Luminosity of Circular e+e- Higgs Factories


Lecture Series No. 51– Accelerator Physics and Technology

ThemeThe Luminosity of Circular e+e- Higgs Factories

LecturerProf. Richard M. Talman, Cornell University, USA

ChairProf. ChuangZhang, IHEP

Time May13, 14:00

Place Hall No.5, Meeting Room


The luminosity of circular e+e- Higgs Factories is discussed. It is shown that a single ring is superior to two rings. Beam separation is possible over the energy range from Z0 through Higgs to WW threshold. For various reasons it will be difficult to reduce the vertical beta function at the crossing point below 1 cm. Naively, this would cause a reduction in luminosity by a factor of 10 compared to the 1 mm value that some people have (optimistically but erroneously) adopted. But it is shown that the reduction in luminosity will only be about a factor of three, not ten (because the beam-beam tune-shift parameter can be increased).

Lecturers short bio:

The speaker grew up in London, Canada, attended Ryerson (the same public school as Dave Jackson and Roger Penrose) and received B.A. and M.A. (mathematics) at University of Western Ontario. He received PhD in Physics at Caltech in 1962 and has been at Cornell University ever since. Initially the speaker did experimental particle physics, for example building dE/dx detector of CLEO at CESR. Since then he has mainly been involved in accelerator physics, (sadly) including being group leader of instrumentation Group at the SSC.